Monday 3 December 2012


 Destiny is capable of rectifying and nullifying every problem any man faces in life. When a man with an amputated hand realizes his destiny and is able to discover what God created him to do, even with that defect, it would never occur to him in life that such disability exist in his life. The zeal of his father's house - his divine assignment will keep him busy and he would begin to do exploit in life and become a household name. Have you heard about Nick - Life without limbs?

As a Psychotherapist, I counsel:
  • Those who are passing through life challenges and crises.
  • High income earners who lack inner peace, health and fulfillment.
  • Retirees or the about - tos who want great wealth, happiness and long life.
  • Individuals who church deliverance failed to solve their problems.
  • Those who want to restore broken marriage and relationships or keep one.
Consultation fees varies depends on time usage and nature of problems.